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Adler number: pi,2053
Translated headword: Publius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man, pursuing honors in an aristocratic government, acquired such great goodwill among the masses and such trust in the senate that when someone was undertaking to criticize him before the people in accordance with the customs of the Romans, and had made many accusations in a bitter fashion, he came forward and said nothing else, but said that it was not proper for the Roman people to hear anyone making accusations against Publius Cornelius Scipio, the man through whom the accusers possess the very privilege of speaking. When they heard this all the commoners immediately departed from the assembly leaving the accuser on his own.
Greek Original:*po/plios: ou(=tos filodoch/sas e)n a)ristokratikw=| politeu/mati thlikau/thn periepoih/sato para\ me\n toi=s o)/xlois eu)/noian, para\ de\ tw=| sunedri/w| pi/stin, w(/ste e)n tw=| dh/mw| kri/nein tino\s e)piballome/nou kata\ ta\ *(rwmai/wn e)/qh, kai\ polla\ kathgorh/santos kai\ pikrw=s, a)/llo me\n ou)qe\n ei)=pe proelqw/n, ou)k e)/fh de\ pre/pon ei)=nai tw=| *(rwmai/wn dh/mw| ou)qeno\s a)kou/ein kathgorou=ntos *popli/ou *kornhli/ou *skipi/wnos, di' o(\n au)th\n th\n tou= le/gein e)cousi/an e)/xousin oi( kathgorou=ntes. w(=n a)kou/santes oi( polloi\ paraxrh=ma dielu/qhsan pa/ntes e)k th=s e)kklhsi/as, a)polipo/ntes to\n kathgorou=nta mo/non.
Polybius 23.14.1-4 (as preserved in Constantine Porphyrogenitus,
Excerpta de virtutibus 2.173.1-10). This is one of three character-illustrating anecdotes about Scipio Africanus (whose death in c. 183 BCE has just been mentioned) which make up 23.14.
On Scipio see also
pi 2054.
Keywords: biography; constitution; ethics; historiography; history; law; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 17 February 2013@09:18:03.
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