Meaning [ones] having become old. Arrian [writes]: "the things that had labored were repaired by them without difficulty."[1] And elsewhere: "while he is laboring concerning the kingship, two of the Parthians (?) engage with him."[2]
*ponh/santa: a)nti\ tou= palaiwqe/nta. *)arriano/s: ta\ de\ ponh/santa au)tai=s ou) xalepw=s e)peskeua/sqh. kai\ au)=qis: ponoume/nw| au)tw=| peri\ th=s basilei/as tw=n *pa/rqwn cumba/llousi du/o tine/s.
The headword, extracted (one may presume) from the first quotation given, is aorist participle, neuter nominative plural (with a singular verb), of
[1] Arrian,
Parthica fr. 72 Roos-Wirth = FGrH 156 F162. Its sense is not self-evident; the feminine pronoun
au)tai=s (women? cities?) perhaps belongs with the participle rather than the main verb, i.e. "the things that had caused them pain" or suchlike.
[2] Arrian,
Parthica fr. 18 Roos-Wirth (containing a present participle, masculine dative singular, of the same verb.) As Adler notes, the mss offer variants here, and Roos prints not
*Pa/rqwn but
*Pa/rnwn. (The Parnoi, a.k.a. Aparnoi, are mentioned several times by
Strabo.) Either way, this genitive plural might belong with 'kingship', not the main verb.
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