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Search results for pi,2041 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2041
Translated headword: bothersome; decrepit
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It occurs in
Aristophanes in
Wealth: "those are bothersome allies for us that you are describing."[1] Meaning burdensome and laborious, weak, ineffectual. As we say, "things are going bothersomely for us."
Or [meaning someone who is] unlucky, wretched.[2]
"[He is] riding on a decrepit [she-]donkey."[3]
The Apostle calls 'bothersome' the trouble that comes to someone from someone with premeditation.[4]
The phrase 'bothersome water' is also used: that which causes disease.[5]
Troublesome people are also called 'bothersome'.[6]
And there is a proverb: "bothersome by bother", [meaning] burdensome, very bothersome. On account of intense labor, laborious.[7]
Greek Original:*po/nhros: e)/sti para\ *)aristofa/nei e)n *plou/tw|: ponh/rous g' ei)=pas h(mi=n summa/xous. a)nti\ tou= moxqhrou\s kai\ e)pipo/nous, a)sqenei=s, a)pra/ktous. w(/s famen, ponh/rws e)/xei h(mi=n ta\ pra/gmata. h)\ a)tuxh/s, a)/qlios. e)pi\ o)/nou ponh/ras o)xou/menos. po/nhron de\ le/gei o( *)apo/stolos to\n e)k kataskeuh=s ei)/s tina para/ tou po/non gino/menon. le/getai de\ kai\ *ponhro\n u(/dwr, to\ nosopoio/n. *ponhroi\ le/gontai kai\ e)pi/ponoi. kai\ paroimi/a: *po/nw| ponhro/s, moxqhro/s, sfo/dra ponhro/s. dia\ to\n po/non kat' e)ne/rgeian o( e)pi/ponos.
On the variation of accent (
po/nhros or
ponhro/s), see
mu 1310 and LSJ s.v.
moxqhro/s: some grammarians see a distinction in meaning between the two, but Herodian the Grammarian says the adjective should always be oxytone.
Wealth [
Plutus] 220, in the
scholia to which the rest of this paragraph finds parallels.
[2] cf. the
scholia to
Clouds 102 (where
ponhroi/ occurs).
[3] Adler did not identify this quotation, and it resists identification even with the help of the online TLG. Setting aside the adjective (which, if correctly transmitted, also reveals the gender of the animal), one might naturally have thought of the prophencies of how Christ would enter
With the adjective, a quite different context seems required: perhaps the
scholia generated by Xanthias' appearance in the opening scene of
[4] A slightly garbled reference to the writings of Gennadius I on Paul's
Epistle to the Romans, cited already with greater clarity in
pi 2038.
[5] cf.
pi 2040.
[6] Again cf.
pi 2040.
[7] The rather opaque Greek in this section is somewhat clarified by a parallel entry in
Appendix Proverbiorum 4.59.
Keywords: Christianity; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; medicine; proverbs; religion; science and technology; stagecraft; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 14 January 2013@18:07:32.
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