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Search results for pi,204 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,204
Translated headword: Panolbios, Panolbius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An epic poet. He wrote various things, including To Aitherios[1] after his illness, in epic meter; and To Erythrios and To Dorotheos, leader and companion; and To Aphthonios,[2] companion; and a funeral speech for Hypatia, daughter of Erythrios.[3]
Greek Original:*pano/lbios, e)pw=n poihth/s. e)/graye dia/fora kai\ pro\s *ai)qe/rion meta\ th\n no/son di' e)pw=n: kai\ pro\s *)eru/qrion kai\ pro\s *dwro/qeon h(gemo/na kai\ ko/mhta: kai\ ei)s *)afqo/nion ko/mhta: kai\ e)pita/fion *(upati/as qugatro\s *)eruqri/ou.
[1] cf.
alphaiota 116.
[2] cf.
alpha 4630? From the different prepositions used, Cameron 506 infers that "Panolbios wrote invectives on or answers to Aetherius,
Dorotheus, and Eruthrius, but a panegyric on
Aphthonius"; but Baldwin demonstrates that the distinction between
pro/s and
ei)s was not maintained in the Suda.
[3] This is not the famous Hypatia of Alexandria, whose father the Suda records as
Theon (
upsilon 166).
Baldwin, Barry. "Book Titles in the Suda." Journal of Hellenic Studies 103 (1983): 136-7
Cameron, Alan. "Wandering Poets: A Literary Movement in Byzantine Egypt." Historia 14 (1965): 470-509
Keywords: biography; definition; epic; medicine; meter and music; poetry; women
Translated by: Alex Gottesman on 14 December 2002@10:11:35.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified translation; added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 14 December 2002@11:08:01.
Catharine Roth (augmented notes, added bibliography) on 7 May 2008@14:30:25.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 13 August 2013@07:24:04.
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