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Adler number: pi,2039
Translated headword: Scoundrel-city
Vetting Status: high
Translation: There also exists, in Thrace, a certain [place by the name of] Scoundrel-city, which they say Philip founded,[1] having gathered there those who were being accused of wickedness: blackmailers, false witnesses and [all] the advocates and the other scoundrels, about two thousand in all; so [says]
Theopompus in [Book] 13 of his
Matters Philippic.[2]
Greek Original:*ponhro/polis: e)/sti de/ tis kai\ peri\ *qra/|khn *ponhro/polis, h(\n *fi/lippo/n fasi sunoiki/sai, tou\s e)pi\ ponhri/a| diaballome/nous au)to/qi sunagago/nta, sukofa/ntas, yeudoma/rturas kai\ tou\s sunhgo/rous kai\ tou\s a)/llous ponhrou/s, w(s disxili/ous: w(s *qeo/pompos e)n ig# tw=n *filippikw=n.
delta 1423 (deriving from the atticist
*)attikw=n o)noma/twn sunagwgh/ s.v.
*dou/lwn po/lis). 'Poneropolis' is also referred to by
Pliny (
Natural History 4.11.41) and in
Moralia (
*peri\ polupragmosu/nhs) 520B; and it has an entry in
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v. (who solemnly adds that a citizen of it is a
Poneropolites). Nevetheless, that an actual city bore this name is inconceivable. Rather, the name is a derogatory variant, coined by
Theopompus (n. 2 below) of
Philippopolis, present-day Plovdiv in Bulgaria (Barrington Atlas map 22 grid B6). See OCD(4) s.v.
[1] In 342 BCE. 'Philip' = king Philip II of Macedon (father of Alexander the Great): see further, next note.
Theopompus FGrH 115 F110. On
Theopompus of
Chios see generally
theta 172]. His magnum
opus was the
Philippic Histories, in 58 books, covering the era from Philip’s accession to the throne until his death (359-336). [
Theopompus is frequently quoted by the Suda: see
alpha 2507,
alpha 4486,
beta 47,
theta 138,
kappa 1608,
lambda 655,
lambda 802,
mu 299,
mu 1459,
omicron 250,
pi 643,
sigma 77,
sigma 967,
tau 566,
phi 604,
phi 742,
chi 622.] For Th.'s low view of Philip and his associates see also FGrH 115 F224-225.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 1 May 2007@19:11:06.
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