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Search results for pi,2025 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2025
Translated headword: Pompeios, Pompeius, Pompey
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A general of [the] Romans. About him they say that after the treaty[1] Caesar[2] and Antony dined with Pompey the son of Pompey, who prepared the banquet on board the flagship; for he said that this was the only paternal house left to him. When they were now on board and the banquet was at its peak, Menas the pirate[3] who had been doing Pompey worthy service then, too, came to him quietly and said, "Do you want me to cut the anchor cables and make you master not [only] of
Sicily and
Sardinia but of the whole empire of [the] Romans? But Pompey answered, "Menas, you should have done this without telling me ahead of time of your enterprise. But as it is -- since it is not in my character to break an oath -- let us acquiesce in things as they are."[4]
Greek Original:*pomph/i+os, *(rwmai/wn strathgo/s: peri\ ou(= fasin o(/ti meta\ ta\s sponda\s deipnei=n to\n *kai/sara kai\ *)antw/nion para\ *pomphi/+w| tw=| paidi\ *pomphi/+ou e)n th=| strathgi/di nhi\+ paraskeuasame/nw| to\ dei=pnon: tou=ton ga\r e)/fh mo/non au)tw=| katalelei=fqai patrw=|on oi)=kon. h)/dh de\ e)/ndon o)/ntwn kai\ th=s sunousi/as a)kmazou/shs, *mhna=n to\n peirath\n ta\ plei/stou a)/cia tw=| *pomphi/+w| u(phretou=nta kai\ to/te proselqei=n au)tw=| h(suxh= kai/, bou/lei, fa/nai, ta\s a)gku/ras th=s nho\s u(potemw\n poih/sw se mh\ *sikeli/as kai\ *sardw=nos, a)lla\ th=s *(rwmai/wn h(gemoni/as ku/rion; to\n de\ *pomph/i+on a)pokri/nasqai: e)/dei se, w)= *mhna=, tou=to pepoihke/nai mh\ proeipo/nta e)moi\ th\n e)pixei/rhsin. nu=n de/, [ou) pro\s h(mw=n ga\r e)piorkei=n] ta\ paro/nta ste/rgwmen.
This man (cf.67-36 BCE), the younger son of Pompey the Great (
pi 2024), is generally known nowadays as
Sextus Pompey. See generally OCD4 s.v.
Pompeius Magnus,
Sextus. The present entry's material on him comes from John of
Antioch fr.77 FHG (4.568), now 154 Roberto.
[1] The Treaty of
Misenum, 39 BCE.
[2] Octavian, later Augustus (
alpha 4412,
kappa 1197), is meant.
[3] Better known as Menodorus, a slippery character who was killed in 35 BCE; see OCD4 s.v. For
Sextus Pompey and "Menas" cf.
tau 106.
[4] See again
sigma 1056.
The story famously appears in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, Act II, Scene vii, ll.
Keywords: biography; ethics; food; historiography; history; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 13 February 2001@20:45:21.
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