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Adler number: pi,2024
Translated headword: Pompeios, Pompeius, Pompey
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Pompey, surnamed the Great, a consul and general of [the] Romans, undertook the war against Mithridates[1] and Tigranes.[2] Mithridates he defeated in a night-battle in the region of Lesser Armenia, to the extent that he ransacked his army camp and cut down thirty thousand of his infrantrymen. So Mithridates, completely stripped of his forces, thought himself lucky to escape with his wife and two of his attendants; then an insurrection was stirred up against him amongst his own soldiers by his son Pharnaces,[3] and having been driven to an enforced death he drank poison and perished in the vicinity of the Bosporus. Pharnaces became his successor as ruler. [sc. Meanwhile] Pompey leads his army against Tigranes, and the Armenian, deciding that it was not worthwhile to engage in battle with the Romans, surrendered himself and when he came into Pompey's presence he fell to his knees and took the crown from his own head and put it in Pompey's hands. His temper blunted by this, Pompey bids him to stand and gives him back the crown. He himself put it on the Armenian's head and in other respects treated the man with honor. Nevertheless he punished the Armenian by removing part of his realm and by exacting a large amount of money; for he detached
Syria and Phoenicia and demanded in addition five thousand talents of silver for the Roman authorities, since he had initiated unjust acts of force. After this he took control of the Albanians and compelled the king of the Iberians, Arsakes, to flee;[4] and he bestowed Lesser Armenia upon Deiotarus, the dynast of
Galatia,[5] restored both
Attalus and Pylaimenes to their proper rule in
Paphlagonia after they had been driven out by Mithridates, and appointed a leader for the Colchians. In addition he conquered the Syrians and Arabians and took care of the Jews in the third month [sc. of attempting to do so]. But he did not pillage any of the offerings of the temple but made a record of everything and handed it over to
Aristobulus; for he had sent Hyrcanus[6] to Roman territory as a prisoner."
Greek Original:*pomph/i+os: o(/ti *pomph/i+os o( *me/gas e)piklhqei/s, u(/patos kai\ strathgo\s *(rwmai/wn, to\n pro\s *miqrida/thn kai\ *tigra/nhn po/lemon a)nede/cato. kai\ to\n me\n *miqrida/thn kata\ th\n mikra\n *)armeni/an nuktomaxi/a| kathgwni/sato, w(s to\ strato/pedon au)tou= diarpa/sai kai\ trei=s muria/das o(plitw=n katabalei=n. o( ou)=n *miqrida/ths gumnwqei\s panta/pasi th=s duna/mews diafeu/gein a)gaphtw=s a(/ma th=| gameth=| kai\ du/o tisi\n a)kolou/qois i(kano\s ge/gonen: ei)=ta katastasiasqei\s u(po\ tou= paido\s *farna/kou para\ toi=s oi)kei/ois stratiw/tais kai\ pro\s qa/naton a)nagkai=on e)laqei/s, fa/rmakon dhlhth/rion e)kpiw\n teleuta=| peri\ to\n *bo/sporon. o( de\ dh\ pai=s au)tw=| *farna/khs gi/netai dia/doxos th=s a)rxh=s. o( de\ *pomph/i+os e)pi\ *tigra/nhn a)/gei th\n stratia/n. o( de\ *)arme/nios dia\ ma/xhs e)lqei=n toi=s *(rwmai/ois ou) lusitele\s h(ghsa/menos, e)ndidou\s e(auto\n a)fi/keto pro\s *pomph/i+on kai\ pro\s toi=s go/nasin au)tou= pesw\n kai\ to\ dia/dhma th=s kefalh=s a)felw=n e)n tai=s e)kei/nou xersi\ kate/qeto. oi(=s dh\ kamfqei\s to\n qumo\n o( *pomph/i+os a)ni/sthsi/ te au)to\n kai\ to\ dia/dhma pa/lin a)podi/dwsin, au)to\s th=| tou= *)armeni/ou tou=to periqei\s kefalh=| ta/ te a)/lla dia\ timh=s to\n a)/ndra h)=gen, a)faire/sei de\ o(/mws me/rous tino\s th=s a)rxh=s kai\ xrh/masi polloi=s e)zhmi/wse to\n *)arme/nion. *suri/an te ga\r kai\ *foini/khn a)pete/meto kai\ pentakisxi/lia ta/lanta a)rguri/ou tw=| *(rwmai/wn dikai/w|, a(/te xeirw=n a)di/kwn a)rca/menon, proshna/gkase. meta\ tau=ta *)albanou\s u(pe/tace kai\ to\n basile/a tw=n *)ibh/rwn *)arsa/khn feu/gein h)na/gkase kai\ th\n mikra\n *)armeni/an *dhi+ota/rw| tw=| duna/sth| th=s *galati/as e)dwrh/sato *)/attalo/n te kai\ *pulaime/nea e)pi\ th\n oi)kei/an a)rxh\n th=s *paflagoni/as kath/gagen, e)celhlame/nous pro\s tou= *miqrida/tou, *ko/lxois te e)fi/sthsin h(gemo/na. e)f' oi(=s *su/rous te kai\ *)/arabas katestre/yato kai\ *)ioudai/ous tri/tw| mhni\ paresth/sato. e)k de\ tw=n tou= i(erou= a)naqhma/twn ou)de\n dih/rpasen, a)lla\ pa/nta u(po\ a)nagrafh\n poihsa/menos *)aristobou/lw| pare/dwken: *(urkano\n ga\r e)s th\n *(rwmai/wn e)ce/pemye de/smion.
On Pompey see generally Robin Seager in OCD4 s.v.
Pompeius Magnus(1). The present entry's material on him, on events on the 60s BCE, is John of
Antioch fr.70 Müller (FHG 4.563), now 148 Roberto. See also
pi 2025.
mu 1044.
[2] OCD4 Tigranes(1).
[3] OCD4 Pharnaces II.
[4] Albania and
Iberia might sound out of place in this potted narrative of the history of Asia Minor, but in fact they are Caucasian regions to the east of the Black Sea (N of Armenia); cf.
alpha 1090,
iota 75.
[5] OCD4 s.v.
[6] For both
Aristobulus and Hyrcanus see OCD4 s.v. Hasmoneans.
Keywords: biography; constitution; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; politics; religion; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 10 January 2013@11:04:38.
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