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Search results for pi,2023 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2023
Translated headword: processions
Vetting Status: high
Translation: ['processions'] and 'to process'. Meaning abuses and to abuse.
Demosthenes in the [speech]
For Ktesiphon.[1] The metaphor [comes] from those on wagons in the Dionysiac processions who abuse each other.
Menander in
Girl from Perinthos [writes]: "there are certain very abusive processions on wagons".[2]
Greek Original:*pompei/as kai\ *pompeu/ein: a)nti\ tou= loidori/as kai\ loidorei=n. *dhmosqe/nhs e)n tw=| u(pe\r *kthsifw=ntos. h( metafora\ a)po\ tw=n e)n tai=s *dionusiakai=s pompai=s e)pi\ tw=n a(macw=n loidoroume/nwn a)llh/lois. *me/nandros *perinqi/a|: e)pi\ tw=n a(macw=n ei)si pompei=ai/ tines sfo/dra loi/doroi.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; imagery; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 17 December 2000@10:35:15.
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