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Search results for pi,2022 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2022
Translated headword: procession
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] abuse. And the forensic [orators] use the word.[1] The term
pompeia is also applied to the equipment prepared for the processions, as the same orator says in the [speech]
Against Androtion.[1]
Philochorus says that formerly the Athenians used to use
pompeia made out of the property of the 30 [Tyrants]. But latterly
Androtion supplied other ones.[2]
Greek Original:*pompei/a: loidori/a. kai\ oi( dikanikoi\ xrw=ntai tw=| o)no/mati. le/getai pompei=a kai\ ta\ ei)s pompa\s kataskeuazo/mena skeu/h, w(s o( au)to\s r(h/twr e)n toi=s kata\ *)androti/wnos u(poshmai/nei. *filo/xoros de/ fhsin, w(s pro/teron e)xrw=nto oi( *)aqhnai=oi toi=s e)k th=s ou)si/as tw=n l# kataskeuasqei=sin. o)ye\ de\ kai\ *)androti/wn a)/lla kateskeu/ase.
The entry combines two consecutive ones in
Lexicon: pi1072 (as far as 'use the word') and pi1073 Theodoridis.
Demosthenes 22.48 (web address 1). He is 'the same orator' because in Harpokration s.v., abridged by
Photius, he has already been cited (18.11, which spells out more fully what is merely implicit here, the link between certain cult processions and ritual abuse). For the first half of Harpok. s.v., see the next entry here,
pi 2023.
Philochorus FGrH 328 F181; cf. (
Androtion) FGrH 324 T5.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: chronology; definition; economics; historiography; politics; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 17 December 2000@10:29:07.
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