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Search results for pi,20 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,20
Translated headword: sufferings
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning sc. bad] experiences, misfortunes.[1] "He brought in the confiscation of property and the fine and, of course, his own previous, unjust sufferings."[2]
pa/qas [is] feminine.
Sophocles [writes]: "and the sufferings inside I am in no position to speak of".[3]
Greek Original:*pa/qas: pa/qh, cumfora/s. o( de\ e)ph=ge th/n te a)poste/rhsin tw=n xrhma/twn kai\ th\n katadi/khn kai\ me/ntoi kai\ ta\s prote/ras au)tou= ta\s a)di/kous pa/qas. *pa/qas qhlukw=s. *sofoklh=s: kai\ ta\s me\n e)/ndon ou)k e)/xw le/gein pa/qas.
The headword, illustrated by both of the quotations given, is accusative plural of the noun
pa/qh. See also
pi 21,
pi 22,
pi 23.
[1] For the second of these glosses cf. the
scholia to
Oedipus at Colonus 7, where the nominative plural
pa/qai occurs (see
pi 21).
Aelian fr. 305 Domingo-Forasté (308 Hercher).
[3] A variant -- noted but not adopted by modern editors -- of
Ajax 295, which has
e)kei= me/n for the Suda's
me\n e)/ndon.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; history; law; tragedy
Translated by: Luca Benelli on 5 March 2008@13:44:54.
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