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Adler number: pi,1998
Translated headword: curiosity
Vetting Status: high
Translation: ['Curiosity'] and 'curious': the good/serious person is not curious. When we wish to prove this, changing 'curiosity' into 'meddlesomeness', we deconstruct the proposition. For he who is 'curious' does not yet seem to show an obvious fault, at any rate if a 'curious' man is someone wrapped up in many matters, and this can also denote someone getting involved by chance; but he who is 'meddlesome' is already displaying a familiarity with the activities and an inclination and a choice, which [is] antithetical to good/serious.
Greek Original:*polupragmosu/nh kai\ *polupra/gmwn: o( spoudai=os ou)k e)/sti polupra/gmwn. tou=to boulo/menoi dei=cai, th\n polupragmosu/nhn metalabo/ntes ei)s filopragmosu/nhn, a)naskeua/zomen to\ prokei/menon. o( me\n ga\r polupra/gmwn ou)de/pw fanera\n a(marti/an shmai/nein dokei=, ei)/ge polupra/gmwn me/n e)stin o( e)n polloi=s kulio/menos pra/gmasi, du/natai de\ tou=to kai\ a)po\ tu/xhs tini perigene/sqai: o( de\ filopra/gmwn dia/qesin h)/dh kai\ oi)keio/thta th\n pro\s ta\ pra/gmata dhloi= kai\ spoudh\n kai\ ai(/resin, o(\ a)llo/trion tou= spoudai/ou.
A close paraphrase of Alexander of
Commentary on Aristotle's Topics 156.26-157.1 Wallies.
On the headword concept (noun and adjective) see generally LSJ s.v.
polupra/gmwn; its controversial character -- good quality or bad? -- had been debated since the era of the Athenian Empire.
Keywords: definition; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 6 January 2013@20:36:12.
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