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Search results for pi,1996 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1996
Translated headword: many-footed [creature], octopus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Note] that when the octopus is caught, it is beaten many times to make it tender. And [there is] a proverb: "the octopus beaten with twice seven blows."
Greek Original:*polu/pous: o(/ti o( polu/pous qhreuqei\s tu/ptetai polla/kis pro\s to\ pi/wn gene/sqai. kai\ paroimi/a: di\s e(pta\ plhgai=s poulu/pous pilou/menos.
Already at
delta 1267; cf.
omicron 130 on eight-footed animals, as well as
pi 1995 and
pi 1997.
Several comic fragments allude to the practice of beating octopus to soften its meat:
Aristophanes fr. 197 Kock, now 204 Kassel-Austin;
Ephippus fr. 3 Kock (and K.-A.);
Amphis fr. 30 Kock (and K.-A.). Present-day cooks agree on the need for tenderizing.
Keywords: daily life; food; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 February 2005@16:45:35.
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