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Search results for pi,1988 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1988
Translated headword: Polymnestos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Polymnestos] and Ariphrades and Oionichos [are] doers of unspeakable things. But also Polymnesteian [poems] are ridiculed in comedy for shamelessness.
Cratinus [writes]: "and sings Polymnesteian [songs] and learns music too".[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "so whoever does not really besmirch such a man, he never drinks out of the same cup with us".[2]
See another Polymnestus under 'Battos'.[3]
Greek Original:*polu/mnhstos kai\ *)arifra/dhs kai\ *oi)w/nixos a)rrhtopoioi/. kai\ *polumnh/steia de\ kai\ au(/th kwmw|dei=tai e)pi\ ai)sxro/thti. *krati=nos: kai\ *polumnh/stei' a)ei/dei mousikh/n te manqa/nei. *)aristofa/nhs: o(/stis ou)=n toiou=ton a)/ndra mh\ sfo/dra lumai/netai, ou)/ pot' e)k tau)tou= meq' h(mw=n pi/etai pothri/ou. zh/tei *polu/mnhston e(/teron e)n tw=| *ba/ttos.
Keywords: biography; comedy; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; meter and music; poetry
Translated by: Francesco Ginelli on 9 January 2013@05:36:34.
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