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Adler number: pi,1970
Translated headword: Polykarpos, Polycarpus, Polycarp
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A disciple of John the Evangelist and Theologian, successor of Boukolos, the one who had served as first Bishop of the church of
Smyrna; [Polycarp is the man] who ruled the bishopric after him as second bishop and who was perfected [= died] by his testimony on behalf of Christ under Marcus Antoninus.[1] He wrote an entirely marvelous letter to the Philippians and to the great
Dionysius the Areopagite,[2] and to other churches.
This man,[3] because of some accusations about [sc. the date of] Easter, when Antoninus Pius was emperor and with Aniketos serving as bishop of the church of Rome, was present at Rome, where he recalled many who had believed the dogma of Marcion[4] and Valentinus; when Marcion met him by accident and said, "Do you know us, Polycarp?" he answered "I know you firstborn son of the Devil."
Greek Original:*polu/karpos, *)iwa/nnou tou= *eu)aggelistou= kai\ *qeolo/gou a)kroath/s, dia/doxos de\ *bouko/lou, tou= prw/tou e)piskoph/santos th=s *smurnai/wn e)kklhsi/as: o(\s kai\ met' au)to\n th=s e)piskoph=s deu/teros e)kra/thse kai\ marturi/w| tw=| u(pe\r *xristou= tetelei/wtai e)pi\ *ma/rkou *)antwni/nou. e)/grayen e)pistolh\n pro\s *filipphsi/ous pa/nu qaumasth\n kai\ pro\s to\n me/gan *dionu/sion to\n *)arewpagi/thn, kai\ pro\s a)/llas e)kklhsi/as. ou(=tos dia/ tinas ai)ti/as tou= pa/sxa, basileu/ontos *)antwni/nou tou= *pi/ou kai\ e)piskopou=ntos th=s e)kklhsi/as *(rw/mhs *)anikh/tou, e)pe/sth th=| *(rw/mh|, e)n h(=| kai\ pollou\s tw=| do/gmati *marki/wnos kai\ *balenti/nou pisteu/santas a)nekale/sato a)panth/santos de\ au)tw=| e)c au)toma/tou *marki/wnos kai\ ei)rhko/tos: gnw/rize h(ma=s, *polu/karpe, a)pekri/qh: gnwri/zw se prwto/tokon tou= *diabo/lou ui(o/n.
c.69-c.155 CE. See generally M.J. Edwards in OCD4 Polycarp; Catholic Encyclopedia entry at web address 1.
[1] a.k.a. Antoninus Pius (as indeed he is called below), ruled 138-161 CE (
mu 216).
delta 1170.
[3] Up to here, the source of this material is unidentifiable. Now it becomes Jerome,
De viris illustribus 17. Polycarp and other Asian Christians celebrated Easter on the 14th of Nisan, while the Church of Rome kept the feast on a Sunday; cf.
alpha 4469.
[4] For the heresy of Markion, see
omega 183 (s.v.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; ethics; geography; history; religion
Translated by: Joseph Osborn on 12 December 2002@12:29:24.
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