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Search results for pi,1955 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1955
Translated headword: Polyainos, Polyaenus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: of
Sardis. Sophist. He lived under the first Caesar Gaius.[1] [He wrote]
Judicial speeches and outlines of cases (i.e. of advocates' speeches);
Parthian Triumph (3 books); etc.
Greek Original:*polu/ainos, *sardiano/s, sofisth/s, gegonw\s e)pi\ tou= prw/tou *kai/saros *gai/+ou. lo/gous dikanikou\s kai\ dikw=n h)/toi sunhgoriw=n u(potupw/seis: *qria/mbou *parqhtikou= bibli/a g#: kai\ a)/lla.
C1 BC. RE Polyainos(7); FGrH 196.
[1] i.e. C. Iulius Caesar (d. 44 BC), not the emperor Caligula (
kappa 216). Any ambiguity in the phrase is eliminated by the fact that the 'Parthian Triumph' in question must be the much-celebrated one of P. Ventidius in 38 BC. See in brief on this R.
The Roman Revolution (1939 and reprints) 223-4.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; historiography; law; military affairs; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 5 September 2003@15:48:42.
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