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Search results for pi,1904 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1904
Translated headword: city
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Question: "O tongue, where are you going?" Answer: "to rebuild a city and to tear down a city." The proverb applies to those who are either helping or harming by their words.
Greek Original:*po/lin: e)rw/thsis: glw=ssa poi= poreu/h|; a)po/krisis: po/lin a)norqw/sousa kai\ po/lin katastre/yousa. h( paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n dia\ lo/gwn h)\ w)felou/ntwn h)\ blapto/ntwn.
The headword is in the accusative case, determined by what follows.
See already
gamma 296, and again in brief
pi 3100.
Keywords: daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; proverbs; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 October 2002@07:12:31.
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