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Search results for pi,1898 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1898
Translated headword: Polles
Vetting Status: high
Translation: of
Aigai -- the
Aigai in Asia, situated near
Magnesia and
Smyrna.[1] Philosopher. He wrote an alphabetical
Symbolika in 2 volumes,
Bird-augury in 8 volumes,
Arithmetic in 2 volumes,
Remedies in 2 volumes,
On the bird-augury in Homer,
On Etruscan oracles,
On woodpeckers,
Sacred Speech, 1 [volume] of
Domestic Matters,
Hunting, 3 [volumes] of
Affinities and aversions,
On lightning and how to avoid it, etc.
Greek Original:*po/llhs, *ai)gieu/s, a)po\ *ai)gw=n th=s *)asi/as: kei=tai de\ plhsi/on *magnhsi/as kai\ *smu/rnhs: filo/sofos. e)/graye kata\ stoixei=on *sumbolika\ e)n bibli/ois b#, *oi)wnoskopika\ e)n bibli/ois h#, *)ariqmhtika\ e)n bibli/ois b#, *)ih/mata e)n bibli/ois b#, *peri\ th=s kaq' *(/omhron oi)wnopoli/hs, *peri\ th=s para\ *turrhnoi=s mantikh=s, *)iatrosumbolika/, *peri\ druokola/ptou, *(iero\n lo/gon, *katoikidi/wn a#, *qhreutiko/n, *sumpaqeiw=n kai\ a)ntipaqeiw=n g# *peri\ keraunw=n kai\ th=s au)tw=n parathrh/sews: kai\ a)/lla.
FGrH 705 (testimonia only: this entry and
pi 1897). Date uncertain; Jacoby ventured 'Kaizerzeit?'
[1] Wesseling conjectured 'Myrine' for
Smyrna, on the basis of Steph. Byz. s.v.
Aigai, "...and the one in Myrine in
Aiolis...". For this
Aigai, see generally Barrington Atlas map 56 grid D4.
Keywords: biography; botany; epic; geography; historiography; mathematics; medicine; philosophy; religion; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 April 2010@07:55:56.
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