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Search results for pi,1874 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1874
Translated headword: in many ways
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This has two meanings: one referring to names that are called 'homonymous', and one referring to definitions that people are accustomed to call 'ambiguous'. For example, in one sense, 'good' is said of justice and courage, and in another sense [good is said of] what is wholesome and healthy. For these also are called 'good'.
Greek Original:*pollaxw=s: tou=to ditto/n e)sti. to\ me\n e)n o)no/masin, a(\ o(mw/numa kalei=tai, to\ de\ e)n lo/gw|, a(\ ei)w/qasin a)mfi/bola le/gein. oi(=on to\ a)gaqo\n a)/llws le/getai kata\ dikaiosu/nhs kai\ a)ndrei/as, a)/llws de\ kata\ tou= eu)ektikou= te kai\ u(gieinou=: le/getai ga\r kai\ tau=ta a)gaqa/.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 15 January 2004@12:02:40.
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