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Search results for pi,1786 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1786
Translated headword: Gorgas's lock
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the lock of the
Gorgon['s hair] given to Asterope the daughter of Kepheus; at this time Kepheus had joined Herakles on the expedition into Lakedaimonia, in order that, with him absent, the city would remain unsacked.
Greek Original:*plo/kion *gorga/dos: to\n doqe/nta plo/kamon th=s *gorgo/nhs *)astero/ph| th=| *khfe/ws: kaq' o(\n xro/non *khfeu\s *(hraklei= sunestra/teusen ei)s *lakedaimoni/an, i(/na tou/tou a)podhmou=ntos h( po/lis a)po/rqhtos mei/nh|.
Same material in
Photius (pi964 Theodoridis); and cf.
Apostolius 14.38, where this headword phrase is glossed as a proverbial one about inducing fear. 'Gorgas' is a rare variant of Gorgo[n].
The daughter of the best-known Kepheus (
kappa 1559), associated with the
Gorgon's head (and Perseus rather than Herakles), was Andromeda, but for the present mini-narrative cf.
Apollodorus 2.7.3: this is Kepheus of
Tegea, whose daughter's name is variously preserved as Aerope, Asterope and Sterope.
Keywords: daily life; military affairs; mythology; proverbs; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 March 2004@08:18:08.
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