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Headword: *plh/sios
Adler number: pi,1768
Translated headword: nearby, neighboring
Vetting Status: high
Those [sc. nouns and adjectives] which are formed from a future tense [are] proparoxytone, a)neyio/s ["cousin"] and decio/s ["right"] are oxytone. But plh/sios [comes] from plh=tos, plh/tios, like a)/mbrotos ["immortal"], a)mbro/sios ["ambrosial"], with a change of the ending. But plh/sios has not come from a future; for the Laconians do not change derivatives from a future into tau, but from those into sigma:[1] e)niauto/s ["year"], e)niau/sios ["annual"], they say e)niau/tios, giving a reminder of the original tau. [For] plou/sios ["wealthy"] [they say] plou/tios, and [for] plh/sios [they say] plh/tios. So [it is] not from a future.[2]
Greek Original:
*plh/sios: ta\ para\ me/llonta gino/mena proparocu/tona, to\ a)neyio\s kai\ decio\s o)cu/nontai. to\ de\ plh/sios a)po\ tou= plh=tos, plh/tios, w(s a)/mbrotos, a)mbro/sios, troph=| tou= te/lous. ou) ge/gone de\ to\ plh/sios para\ me/llonta: oi( ga\r *la/kwnes ta\ para\ me/llonta ei)s t ou) tre/pousin, a)ll' a)po\ tw=n ei)s to\ s1: e)niauto/s, e)niau/sios, e)niau/tios le/gousin, u(po/mnhma dido/ntes tou= prw/tou t: plou=tos, plou/sios, plou/tios: to\ de\ plh/sios plh/tios le/gousin. w(/ste ou) para\ me/llonta.
From Herodian the Grammarian De prosodia catholica 1.124.16; cf. Etymologicum Magnum 156.6, 13.
[1] The Suda's reading here does not make sense. Herodian the Grammarian reads a)lla\ a)po\ tou= t ei)s to\ ei)s to s "but from tau into sigma."
[2] Cf. generally pi 1766, pi 1767. On verbal forms from the root pla-/ pela-, see epsilon 1031. Attested forms of the headword adjective include Boeotian plati/os, Lesbian pla/sion (adverb), Doric plati/on.
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 18 May 2007@00:40:04.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (x-refs; cosmetics) on 18 May 2007@03:33:25.
Catharine Roth (augmented note with another cross-reference) on 18 May 2007@10:42:37.
David Whitehead on 6 October 2013@08:30:15.
Catharine Roth (modified primary note, added textual note) on 5 July 2014@00:50:25.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 5 July 2014@01:55:05.


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