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Search results for pi,1738 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1738
Translated headword: having raised the price, having made dear
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning somone] having sold [something] for more than he bought it for.[1]
"He was doing this and pretending to be sorry for raising their price".[2]
Also [sc. attested in the plural]
pleisthria/santes, meaning [they] having exaggerated the value of the goods on sale. So
Lysias and
Plato Comicus.[3]
Attic writers say, like us,
pleistobolei=n ["to throw highest at dice"].[4]
Greek Original:*pleisthria/sas: plei/onos pwlh/sas, ou(= w)nh/sato. e)poi/ei de\ tou=to kai\ meta/melos prosepoiei=to gegone/nai, pleisthria/zwn au)tou/s. kai\ *pleisthria/santes, a)nti\ tou= u(perbalo/ntes e)n th=| timh=| tw=n pipraskome/nwn. ou(/tws *lusi/as kai\ *pla/twn o( kwmiko/s. *pleistobolei=n le/gousin, w(s h(mei=s, *)attikoi/.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at
Photius pi933 Theodoridis. The headword is aorist active participle, masculine nominative singular, of
pleisthria/zw. It must be extracted from somewhere (not any of the quotations given here, which have other forms), but is not independently attested.
[2] Quotation -- with the present participle of this verb -- unidentifiable. (Adler suggested
Aelian. She also noted Bernhardy's suggestion that
e)poi/ei 'was doing' ought to be
e)pw/lei 'was selling'.)
[3] Abridged from Harpokration s.v.
Lysias = fr. 15 Sauppe (and Carey OCT);
Plato = fr. 18 Kock (and K.-A.).
[4] So too in
Photius pi935 Theodoridis (on this unrelated verb).
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 October 2001@10:40:15.
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