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Search results for pi,1733 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1733
Translated headword: I come away more than a year older
Vetting Status: high
Translation: From the Homeric [phrase] "for in misery mortals quickly grow old", and "[Laertes' wife's death] placed [him] in cruel old age". So
Aristophanes is saying, I am growing old through disgust: "for whenever I see any of these tricks, I come away more than a year older".
Greek Original:*plei=n h)\ 'niautw=| presbu/teros a)pe/rxomai: para\ to\ *(omhriko/n: ai)=ya ga\r e)n kako/thti brotoi\ kataghra/skousi. kai/, e)n w)mw=| gh/rai+ qh=ke. dia\ th\n a)hdi/an ou)=n ghra/skw fhsi\n *)aristofa/nhs: o(/tan ti tou/twn tw=n sofisma/twn i)/dw, plei=n h)\ e)niautw=| presbu/teros a)pe/rxomai.
Frogs 17-18 (web address 1), with scholion. Dionysus is referring to the over-used stagecraft device of comic baggage-carriers. For
plei=n "more", see also
pi 1732.
The Homeric quotations are both from the
Odyssey: respectively, 19.360 and 15.357 (web addresses 2 and 3).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: comedy; definition; epic; ethics; stagecraft
Translated by: David Whitehead on 8 August 2010@07:41:37.
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