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Headword: *ple/kos
Adler number: pi,1721
Translated headword: wickerwork
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] that which is woven.
A woven basket.[1] As from the [verb] ble/pw ["I see"] [comes] ble/pos ["a look"], a neuter [noun], and from the [verb] r(e/w ["I flow"] [comes] r(e/os ["a flow"].[2] Aeschylus [writes]: "for the thirsting traveler there is a spring-water flow."[3] So also ple/kos. Aristophanes [writes]: "I spit on this most hateful wickerwork of a hostile man."[4] And elsewhere: "why, you wretch, do you have need of this wickerwork?"[5]
Greek Original:
*ple/kos: to\ ple/gma. to\ peplegme/non spuri/dion. w(s a)po\ tou= ble/pw ble/pos, ou)dete/rws, kai\ a)po\ tou= r(e/w r(e/os. *ai)sxu/los: o(doipo/rw| diyw=nti phgai=on r(e/os. ou(/tws kai\ ple/kos. *)aristofa/nhs: a)pe/ptust' e)xqrou= fwto\s e)/xqiston ple/kos. kai\ au)=qis: ti/ d', w)= ta/las ge, tou=d' e)/xh| ple/kous xre/os;
[1] cf. a scholion to Aristophanes, Acharnians 454 (quoted below).
[2] cf. a scholion to Aristophanes, Peace 528.
[3] Aeschylus, Agamemnon 901.
[4] Aristophanes, Peace 528. The line is a pun -- ple/kos replaces te/kos 'child' -- of one from Euripides' Telephus.
[5] Aristophanes, Acharnians 454; cf. delta 571 and chi 458.
Keywords: botany; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; trade and manufacture; tragedy; women
Translated by: Matthew Farmer on 6 March 2008@15:07:17.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 7 March 2008@03:45:59.
David Whitehead (keywords) on 16 May 2011@03:42:57.
David Whitehead (modified tr; expanded n.4) on 6 October 2013@07:16:50.
Catharine Roth (coding, cosmeticules) on 16 September 2021@19:39:11.


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