*platw/neios lo/gos: o( tou= *pla/twnos.
pi 1707/
pi 1709 rather than
pi 1708.
The lexicographer probably has something in mind like the grammarian
Dionysius Thrax' assertion that the adjective
*platw/neios, as here, should refer to the man
Plato or something of his but the adjective
*platw/nikos should refer to something about
Plato. See
Scholia Vaticana in Dionysii Thracis Artem grammaticam, p.224, l. 7. Be that as it may, TLG searching reveals that the form
*platw/nikos is vastly more common than
*platw/neios and that the alleged discrimination in use cannot be demonstrated from the Greek passages.
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