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Search results for pi,1702 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1702
Translated headword: blade
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning an] oar,[1] blade(?),[2] and a kind of boat.[3]
Just like Palamedes I will write on the blades and throw them to Nauplios.[4]
Greek Original:*pla/th: kw/ph, pla/th, kai\ ei)=dos ploi/ou. w(/sper *palamh/dhs ta\s pla/tas r(i/yw gra/fwn *naupli/w|.
[1] Same gloss in ps.-
[2] Perhaps a mere repetition of the headword, but more probably intended as another sense of it (for which see LSJ s.v.).
[3] For this last, see again under
pi 1703.
[4] A careless version of an Aristophanic scholion: see at
pi 45.
Keywords: comedy; definition; military affairs; mythology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 August 2010@04:54:25.
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