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Search results for pi,1698 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1698
Translated headword: poppy-petal, anemone-petal, cracker
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning something] good-for-nothing. But properly [it is] the petal of the poppy, and that of the anemone. [sc. The name comes] from plata/ssein ["to clap"], that is to make a sound. But by extension [it means] anything which has breadth. From this also [comes] platagh/ ["rattle"].[1] They used to infer from this the affection of those they loved, putting it on the opposite hand and the forefinger and striking against [it]. And if it made a sound, they were regarded with affection,[2] but if not, the opposite.
Greek Original:*platagw/nion: to\ mhde/n. kuri/ws de\ to\ th=s mh/kwnos fu/llon, kai\ to\ th=s a)nemw/nhs. a)po\ tou= plata/ssein, toute/stin h)xei=n. kataxrhstikw=s de\ w(|tiniou=n pla/tos e)/xonti. o(/qen kai\ h( platagh/. e)shmeiou=nto de\ a)p' au)tou= th\n tw=n e)rwme/nwn storgh/n, tiqe/ntes e)pi/ te tou= a)nti/xeiros kai\ tou= lixanou= kai\ a)ntiko/ptontes. kai\ ei) me\n h)/xhsen, e)ste/rgonto: ei) de\ mh/, to\ a)na/palin.
On the headword
platagw/nion, a neuter noun, see LSJ s.v. (drawing on the present materal): 'so called because lovers took omens from it, laying it on the left hand, and striking it with the right, and it was a good omen if it burst
with a loud crack'.
[1] cf.
pi 1697.
[2] Thus far, also in
Photius (pi917 Theodoridis); cf.
Hesychius pi2467 (with a shorter gloss) and a scholion on
Idylls 3.29 (where
plata/ghma occurs: web address 1). See also
pi 1712 (end).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: botany; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; poetry
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 12 September 2012@00:45:47.
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