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Search results for pi,1696 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1696
Translated headword: scale, disk
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the hollow [part] of a kottabos, and of a balance.[1]
Homer places drunkenness in the same balance with madness, saying, "Aineias, counselor of the Trojans, where are your boasts, which you promised to the kings of the Trojans when you were drinking?"[2]
Greek Original:*pla/stigc: to\ koi=lon tou= kotta/bou, kai\ tou= zugou=. o(/ti *(/omhros ei)s th\n au)th\n ti/qhsi pla/stigga th=| mani/a| th\n me/qhn le/gwn, *ai)nei/a, *trw/wn boulhfo/re, pou= toi a)peilai/, a(\s *trw/wn basileu=sin u(pe/sxeo oi)nopota/zwn;
Keywords: daily life; definition; epic; ethics; food; imagery; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 September 2012@01:22:16.
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