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Search results for pi,1692 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1692
Translated headword: in tablets
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Note] that in the tablets written by God these things were written: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. 1) There will be no other gods for you except me. 2) You shall not make for yourself an idol or image of anything, as much as is in heaven above or on earth below or in the water below the land. You shall not make obeisance to them nor serve them. 3) You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in an irreverent way. 4) Remember the day of the sabbath and keep it holy. 5) Honor your father and your mother so that it may be well for you and so you may live long on the earth. 6) You shall not commit adultery. 7) You shall not steal. 8) You shall not murder. 9) You shall not bring false testimony against someone who is your neighbor. 10) You shall not covet the wife of someone who is your neighbor; you shall not covet the house of your neighbor, nor the field of your neighbor, nor his child, nor his ox, nor his maidservant, nor his beast-of-burden, nor anything [else] your neighbor has.
Greek Original:*placi/n: o(/ti e)n tai=s qeogra/fois placi\ tau=ta h)=n gegramme/na: e)gw/ ei)mi ku/rios o( qeo/s sou, o( e)cagagw/n se e)k gh=s *ai)gu/ptou, e)c oi)/kou doulei/as. a#: ou)k e)/sontai/ soi qeoi\ e(/teroi plh\n e)mou=. b#: ou) poih/seis seautw=| ei)/dwlon panto\s o(moi/wma, o(/sa e)n tw=| ou)ranw=| a)/nw kai\ e)pi\ th=s gh=s ka/tw, kai\ o(/sa e)n toi=s u(/dasin u(poka/tw th=s gh=s. ou) proskunh/seis au)toi=s, ou)d' ou) mh\ latreu/seis au)toi=s. g#: ou) lh/yh| to\ o)/noma kuri/ou tou= qeou= sou e)pi\ matai/w|. d#: mnh/sqhti th\n h(me/ran tw=n sabba/twn a(gia/zein au)th/n. e#: ti/ma to\n pate/ra sou kai\ th\n mhte/ra sou, i(/na eu)= soi ge/nhtai kai\ e)/sh| makroxro/nios e)pi\ th=s gh=s. #2#: ou) moixeu/seis. z#: ou) kle/yeis. h#: ou) foneu/seis. q#: ou) yeudomarturh/seis kata\ tou= plhsi/on sou yeudomarturi/a. i#: ou)k e)piqumh/seis th\n gunai=ka tou= plhsi/on sou: ou)k e)piqumh/seis th\n oi)ki/an tou= plhsi/on sou ou)de\ to\n a)gro\n tou= plhsi/on sou ou)de\ to\n pai=da au)tou= ou)de\ to\n bou=n au)tou= ou)de\ th\n paidi/skhn au)tou= ou)/te to\ u(pozu/gion au)tou= ou)/q' o(/sa tw=| plhsi/on sou e)sti/n.
The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20.1-17), as described by George the Monk, Chronicon 132.12-133.7.
Keywords: art history; children; Christianity; daily life; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; law; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 1 December 2000@17:57:42.
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