"Let us leave the delicate lads alone with their wet-nurses to chatter and to talk about weft and warps and (?)hair-nets."[1]
*plaggo/nwn: ta\ meira/kia qrupto/mena para\ tai=s ti/tqais stwmu/llesqai kai\ le/gein peri\ kro/khs kai\ sthmo/nwn kai\ plaggo/nwn e)a/swmen.
The unglossed headword is presumably extracted from the quotation given, where context makes it a genitive plural form. Its meaning here is uncertain. Besides being a well-attested woman's name, a
plaggw/n is defined by
Hesychius s.v. as a wax doll (which is the meaning it bears in e.g.
Hymn to Demeter 92); however, he adds
kai\ plaggo/nes kekru/faloi -- "also,
plangones are women's hair-nets".
In her critical apparatus Adler notes that mss AF transmit
*plago/nwn, although a later hand corrected this within ms A; also that the rest of the entry is lacking in ms F.
[1] The quotation, again at
sigma 1154 and in part at
tau 688, is unidentifiable. Adler notes Cobet's attribution of it to
Aelian. Adler also notes that mss AM (after correction) here transmit the alternative spelling
plago/nwn for the headword.
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