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Search results for pi,1671 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1671
Translated headword: pine
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a kind of coniferous tree,[1] the one which we call
Xenophon [writes]: "a place [...] with tall pines at intervals -- if men should stand behind them what would they suffer?"[2]
*pitu/steptos ["pine-crowned"]: [the god] Pan. "Walled grotto of pine-crowned Pan."[3]
Greek Original:*pi/tus: ei)=dos de/ndrou kwnofo/rou, h( par' h(mi=n strobile/a. *cenofw=n: xwri/on pi/tusi dialeipou/sais mega/lais, a)nq' w(=n e(sthko/tes a)/ndres ti\ a)\n pa/qoien. kai\ *pitu/steptos, o( *pa/n. *pano\s teixh/essa pituste/ptoio kalih/.
[1] cf. ps.-Herodian 108.
Anabasis 4.7.6 (abridged: see web address 1), assessing the difficulties of attacking the stronghold of the Taochoi.
Greek Anthology 6.253.3 (
Crinagoras); cf.
kappa 211.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: botany; definition; geography; historiography; military affairs; mythology; poetry; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 July 2004@00:47:25.
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