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Search results for pi,1668 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1668
Translated headword: I am Pityane
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It[1] occurs in
Alcaeus.[2] [sc. The proverb] is said of those experiencing frequent calamities at the same time as good fortunes, insofar as such things befell
Pitane too, the things that
Hellanicus also records: for he says that it was enslaved by Pelasgians and set free again by Erythrians.[3]
Greek Original:*pitua/nh ei)mi/: au(/th par' *)alkai/w| kei=tai. le/getai kai\ kata\ tw=n puknai=s sumforai=s xrwme/nwn a(/ma kai\ eu)praci/ais, paro/son kai\ th=| *pita/nh| toiau=ta sune/bh pra/gmata, w(=n kai\ *(ella/nikos me/mnhtai: fhsi\ ga\r au)th\n u(po\ *pelasgw=n a)ndrapodisqh=nai kai\ pa/lin u(po\ *)eruqrai/wn e)leuqerwqh=nai.
The present headword phrase, a proverb, has been contaminated by
pi 1667 (q.v.). It should be
*pita/nh ei)mi/: see
Photius s.v. (pi900 Theodoridis) and
Zenobius 5.61.
[1] In the Greek, she: the feminine toponym in the phrase. On the coast of Aeolis; Barrington Atlas map 56 grid D4.
Alcaeus fr. 439 Lobel-Page (114 Bergk, PLG).
Hellanicus of
Lesbos, FGrH 3 F93.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; poetry; proverbs
Translated by: Amanda Aponte on 20 October 2009@16:28:02.
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