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Search results for pi,1657 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1657
Translated headword: pitch
Vetting Status: high
Translation: '[...] and the removing of pitch from the baths and the driving out of the hair-pluckers, with the aim of restoring the old ways in every respect. As a result there was a revival of the wrestling-schools, training in earnest, and a return to the common messes; and Lacedaemon became like her [sc. old] self.'[1]
Greek Original:*pi/tta. th/n te pi/ttan tw=n balanei/wn e)cairou=ntas kai\ ta\s paratiltri/as e)celau/nontas e)s to\ a)rxai=o/n te kaqistame/nous pa/nta. o(/qen palai=strai/ te a)nh/bhsan kai\ spoudai\ kai\ ta\ fili/tia e)panh=lqe kai\ e)ge/neto h( *lakedai/mwn e(auth=| o(moi/a.
[1] The quotation is from
Life of Apollonius of Tyana 4.27. See
epsilon 3955 with note 3, and cf.
phi 366. I have translated
spoudai/ in the sense of 'earnest' or 'serious'. LSJ s.v.
spoudh/ II.3 cites this passage for the meaning 'disputation', but this is clearly inappropriate in the context.
Keywords: athletics; biography; chronology; daily life; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; history; rhetoric; science and technology; women
Translated by: Tony Natoli on 10 January 2003@02:38:21.
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