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Search results for pi,1652 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1652
Translated headword: faith
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Markellinos' faith in divine matters gave them such sure confidence."[1]
Also [sc. attested is the related participle] pisteu/ontes ["they believing"], meaning being confident.[2]
[Note] that they also say pisto/ths.[3]
"Altogether suitable from the very agreement confidence [...]."[4]
Greek Original:*pisto/ths: tosou=ton au)toi=s e)nepoi/ei th=s bebai/as e)lpi/dos h( tou= *markelli/nou peri\ ta\ qei=a pisto/ths. kai\ *pisteu/ontes, a)nti\ tou= qarrou=ntes. o(/ti le/getai kai\ pisto/ths. pa/ntws de\ e)pithdei/a e)c au)th=s th=s sumba/sews th\n pisto/thta.
Life of Isidore fr. 157 Zintzen (91 Asmus), 69E Athanassiadi. The hope was apparently for a pagan restoration; see Athanassiadi's note on this passage. On
Marcellinus, see
mu 202 (and cf.
epsilon 3748).
[2] This present participle of
pisteu/w, in the masculine nominative plural, is extracted from
Thucydides 2.81.4; see the
scholia there.
[3] Unintelligible as transmitted, since
pisto/ths is already the headword. This and the next fragment are lacking in manuscript F, according to Adler.
Damascius fr. 57 Zintzen (26 Asmus).
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 9 March 2004@01:03:55.
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