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Adler number: pi,1649
Translated headword: trust, belief, faith
Vetting Status: high
Translation: To account for belief as a 'strength[1] of supposition' is a mistake, for in defining thus one takes the strength as being a genus, and the supposition as being a difference. However, what occurs is the opposite; in fact, since supposition is a genus, strength is a difference. For among suppositions, some are strong, others moderate.[2] These are differences belonging to suppositions, and belief is a strong supposition.[3]
Greek Original:*pi/stis: o(/ti a(ma/rthma/ e)sti to\ th\n pi/stin a)podou=nai sfodro/thta u(polh/yews. kai\ ga\r ou(/tws o(rizo/menos ge/nos me\n lamba/nei th\n sfodro/thta, diafora\n de\ th\n u(po/lhyin: e)/xei de\ e)/mpalin: th=s ga\r u(polh/yews ge/nous ou)/shs, h( sfodro/ths e)sti\ diafora/: tw=n ga\r u(polh/yewn ai( me/n ei)si sfodrai/, ai( de\ me/triai: au(=tai ga\r u(polh/yewn diaforai/. kai\ e)/stin h( pi/stis u(po/lhyis sfodra/.
Alexander of
Commentary on Aristotle's Topica 351.12-17; cf. already under
pi 1648. The present passage reproduces (with some minor variations)
Topica 126b13-19, where it is emphasized that people usually confuse genus as difference and difference as genus.
[1] The Greek word
sphodrotes actually means 'vehemence', but in the context 'strength' looks like a better choice in order to allow the parallel with 'strong' (
sphodrai), said of suppositions.
[2] That is to say, some suppositions (
hypolepseis) are strong, others weak.
[3] This definition is
Aristotle's: see
Topica 126b18; in the Aristotelian use
hypolepsis generally means 'apprehension', 'belief' or 'judgement' (cf.
Nicomachean Ethics 1142b33;
Metaphysics 981b6-7) rather than 'supposition'. See also
upsilon 537.
Keywords: definition; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 2 November 2000@21:38:56.
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