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Search results for pi,1648 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1648
Translated headword: trust, belief, faith
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a hope of an uncertain matter.[1]
Those who say[2] that supposition is a kind of belief make a mistake. For supposition follows upon belief;[3] for belief is a supposition, since it is impossible that belief comes into being without supposition. Furthermore it is impossible that supposition is a kind of belief, for the one who has the same supposition at one time can believe, and at another not. That is impossible in reference to a genus: for it is impossible that the same animal at one time is a man and at another not, or that the same color at one time is white and at another not. For a man, when he undergoes a change, is not an animal either. So the supposition could not remain the same if it existed without belief. For even the believed supposition remains stable. Effectively, someone who has the same supposition about something is not prevented from believing it at one time and at another time not [believing it]. For instance, in having a supposition that the soul is immortal, one is not prevented from later not believing [this supposition] because of certain arguments.
Greek Original:*pi/stis: a)dh/lou pra/gmatos e)lpi/s. a(marta/nousi de\ oi( le/gontes th=s pi/stews th\n u(po/lhyin ge/nos. a)kolouqei= me\n ga\r th=| pi/stei h( u(po/lhyis: h( ga\r pi/stis u(po/lhyis: a)du/naton ga\r xwri\s u(polh/yews pi/stin gi/nesqai. ou) mh\n ge/nos oi(=o/n te th=s pi/stews th\n u(po/lhyin ei)=nai: e)nde/xetai ga\r th\n au)th\n u(po/lhyin e)/xonta pote\ me\n pisteu/ein, pote\ de\ ou)/. o(\ a)du/naton e)pi\ tou= ge/nous: a)du/naton ga\r to\ au)to\ zw=|on pote\ me\n a)/nqrwpon ei)=nai, pote\ de\ mh/, kai\ to\ au)to\ xrw=ma pote\ me\n leuko\n ei)=nai, pote\ de\ mh/: metaba/llwn ga\r o( a)/nqrwpos ou)de\ zw=|o/n e)stin. w(/ste ou)de\ h( u(po/lhyis h( au)th\ me/noi a)/n, ou) meta\ pi/stews ou)=sa. kai\ pisteuome/nh ga\r e)/ti h( u(po/lhyis me/nei: ou) ga\r kekw/lutai/ tis th\n au)th\n peri/ tinos u(po/lhyin e)/xwn, pote\ me\n pisteu/ein au)th=|, pote\ de\ mh/. oi(=on u(po/lhyin e)/xwn peri\ yuxh=s, o(/ti a)qa/natos, ou) kekw/lutai u(/steron dia/ tinas lo/gous mh\ pisteu/ein.
For this headword see also
pi 1649,
pi 1650.
[1] cf.
Ep.Hebrews 11.1:
*)/estin de\ pi/stis e)lpizome/nwn u(po/stasis, pragma/twn e)/legxos ou) blepome/nwn "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." (RSV)
[2] This long supplementary gloss derives from Alexander of
Commentary on the Topica of Aristotle 346.5-19. For more, see under
pi 1649.
[3] That is, if something is a belief, it follows that it must be a supposition.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 2 November 2000@19:41:40.
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