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Search results for pi,1627 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1627
Translated headword: Pixodaros, Pixodarus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Dexippos of
Kos, a doctor, a pupil of Hippokrates, summoned by Hekatomnos the king of
Karia to cure his sons Mausolos and Pixodaros when they were desperately ill, did cure them, on condition that Hekatomnos promise to end the war which was then in progress between them and the Karians".
Greek Original:*picw/daros: o(/ti *de/cippos *kw=|os, i)atro/s, *(ippokra/tous maqhth/s, metapemfqei\s u(po\ *(ekato/mnou tou= *karw=n basile/ws i)a/sasqai au)tou= tou\s pai=das a)pognwsqe/ntas, *mau/swlon kai\ *picw/daron, e)pi\ u(posxe/sei i)a/sato tou= pau=sai to\n pro\s *ka=ras to/te au)toi=s e)nestw=ta po/lemon.
Quoted from
delta 238 (q.v.); a marginal addition in ms A.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 October 2001@07:04:40.
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