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Search results for pi,1621 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1621
Translated headword: dirt, patina
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "[
Sallustius] was an adequate speaker, not imitating the more recent sophists, but associating himself with the ancient patina of speech-writing." Damaskios says [this].
Greek Original:*pi/nos. o( de\ h)=n kai\ le/gein i(kano/s, ou) tou\s newte/rous e)kmimou/menos sofista/s, a)lla\ pro\s to\n a)rxai=on pi/non th=s logografi/as a(millw/menos. fhsi\ *dama/skios.
Life of Isidore fr.250 Asmus; cf.
Bibliotheca 350b 24-26. The passage is quoted more fully at
sigma 62. As fr.138a Zintzen the passage loses its relevance to the present entry because
pi/non is replaced by
Photius' more neutral
to/non. Zintzen however notes that
Damascius sine dubio used
cf. under
kappa 165, and more generally
pi 1620.
Keywords: biography; chronology; imagery; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 12 December 2005@01:54:01.
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