[Meaning] harmonized in every respect.
*panarmo/nion: pa/ntoqen h(rmosme/non.
Eudemus 171b.14 Niese;
Synagoge pi66;
Photius pi129 Theodoridis.
The headword is either neuter nominative/accusative singular or masculine accusative singular; cf. in any event
pi 163. Most attestations of this adjective either refer directly to music or are arguably a metaphor drawn from music. Hence the translation of the gloss assumes a musical context, although a more concrete connotation, 'fitted on all sides' would be possible; cf. a scholion to
Iliad 18.600, where an identical gloss is used to explain the word
a)/rmenon in relation to a well-made wheel.
Georgius Pachymeres,
Quadrivium 3.47, uses the same combination of words to describe a cube, which he claims is also called
a(rmoni/a ('harmony').
B. Niese, Excerpta ex Eudemi codice Parisino n. 2635, Philologus, suppl. 15, 1922
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