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Search results for pi,161 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,161
Translated headword: omnicompetent
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] great and powerful. "Of the omnicompetent sun."[1] [Meaning] one that shines everywhere.
Greek Original:*panarke/os: tou= mega/lou kai\ dunatou=. h(li/ou de\ panarke/os. tou= pantaxh= la/mpontos.
= the rhetorical lexicon of
Eudemus, 171b.12 Niese.
The headword is the genitive singular form of this adjective, which is firmly attested (outside lexicography) only in the passage quoted here. LSJ follow the latter part of this entry in defining the word as "that shines on all alike", but that is surely a context-specific connotation for the given quotation.
[1] An approximation of a phrase in
Hecale fr. 302 Pfeiffer (48 Schneider).
B. Niese, Excerpta ex Eudemi codice Parisino n. 2635, Philologus, suppl. 15, 1922
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; mythology; poetry; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 8 June 2011@07:13:55.
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