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Search results for pi,1605 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1605
Translated headword: [soft] fat
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] thickness, fattiness.[1]
Appian [writes]: "[it was he] who initiated the labour, [despite] being sixty years old and physically corpulent and fat".[2] Meaning fat[ty].
Soft fat and hard fat differ,[3] in that the soft fat when dried remains soft, whereas the hard fat becomes solid, to such a point that it can be crumbled. So the soft fat cannot be crumbled: for this reason even the broths made from animals with soft fat, such as pig and bear and others, do not congeal; but those made from animals with hard fat, like ox, goat [and] sheep do congeal.
Greek Original:*pimelh/: pa/xos, liparo/ths. *)appiano/s: o(\s de\ prw=tos e)ch=rxe tou= po/nou, e(chkontou/ths w)\n kai\ baru\s to\ sw=ma kai\ pimelh/s. a)nti\ tou= liparo/s. *pimelh\ kai\ ste/ar diafe/rei, tw=| th\n pimelh\n yuxome/nhn a)/phkton diame/nein, to\ de\ ste/ar kai\ diaph/ssesqai, w(/ste kai\ qru/ptesqai. h( me\n ou)=n pimelh\ a)/qraustos: di' o(\ kai\ oi( zwmoi\ tw=n me\n pimelwdw=n ou) ph/ssontai, kaqa/per u(o\s kai\ a)/rktou kai\ tw=n a)/llwn: oi( de\ tw=n steatwdw=n ph/ssontai, w(s boo/s, ai)go/s, proba/twn.
[1] Same or similar glossing in other lexica; references at
Photius pi881 Theodoridis.
[2] Appian,
Macedonica 14. Though preserved only here, its subject has been identified as Q. Marcius
Philippus, described in his second consulship of 169 BCE. The 'labour' mentioned was an advance--ultimately abandoned--into Macedonia.
[3] What follows has similarities with a section (2.15) of
Aristophanes of
Byzantium's epitome of
History of Animals.
Keywords: biography; definition; food; historiography; history; medicine; zoology
Translated by: Francesco Ginelli on 10 August 2012@06:18:52.
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