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Search results for pi,1602 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1602
Translated headword: felt, something made of felt
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] an ornament worn around the head,[1] which some call a kurbasia,[2] others a tiara,[3] but others a kidaris.[4]
Pilus is also a formation, which they call the primus pilus.[5]
Greek Original:*pi=los: ko/smos perikefa/laios, o(\n oi( me\n kurbasi/an, oi( de\ tia/ran, a)/lloi de\ ki/darin kalou=sin. e)/sti de\ pi=los kai\ ta/gma, prw=tos pi=los kalou/menos.
For this headword see also
pi 1601.
[1] Similarly in other lexica (references at
Photius pi878 Theodoridis), and in a scholion on
Lysistrata 562 (the headword occurs in the accusative case).
[2] cf.
kappa 2742.
[3] cf.
tau 547.
[4] cf.
kappa 1588.
[5] Latin
primus pilus, the division of the
triarii in the Roman army.
Keywords: clothing; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; military affairs; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 21 November 2008@20:13:57.
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