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Search results for pi,1595 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1595
Translated headword: Pilatos, Pilatus, Pilate
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In the time of Christ our god and savior this man, sent by [the] Romans, ruled in Judaea. After the crucifixion of Christ he set up an image and busts of Caesar in the sanctuary by night; but when daybreak came the Jews saw [them] and were so agitated that Pilate was frightened and took them down. And indeed, having destroyed the holy Corbanas treasury,[1] he became responsible for the insurrection and the confusion among the Jews by his hatred toward them; for when he foresaw their insurrection, he made soldiers stand before the altar itself, [the ones] inside carrying weapons but [the ones] outside [wearing] civilian clothing which raised no suspicion. When [the Jews] revolted, therefore, he deployed the soldiers against them, and some [of the soldiers] striking them with timbers and others with stones, they let some go away wounded; but they also killed some. Many of the Jews themselves were also pushed violently by one another and were trampled underfoot and killed. Their blood was mingled with the offerings.[2]
See more generally about Pilate under the name Nero.[3]
Greek Original:*pila=tos: ou(=tos e)pi\ *xristou= tou= qeou= kai\ swth=ros h(mw=n e)n th=| *)ioudai/a| u(po\ *(rwmai/wn stalei\s h)=rxe: meta\ de\ th\n tou= *xristou= stau/rwsin ei)ko/na tou= *kai/saros kai\ protoma\s nu/ktwr ei)s to\ i(ero\n a)ne/qhken: o)/rqrou de\ genome/nou, *)ioudai=oi qeasa/menoi tosou=ton e)tara/xqhsan, w(/ste *pila=ton e)kdeimatw=sai kai\ tau/tas metaqei=nai. kai\ dh\ to\n *korbwna=n to\n i(ero\n qhsauro\n diafqei/ras ai)/tios a)naire/sews pollh=s kai\ sugxu/sews toi=s *)ioudai/ois mi/sei tw=| pro\s au)tou\s e)ge/neto: th\n ga\r e)pana/stasin au)tw=n u(forw/menos, pro\ tou= bh/matos au(tou= stratiw/tas pare/sthsen, e)/ndoqen me\n o(/pla forou=ntas, e)/cwqen de\ i)diwtikh\n e)sqh=ta a)nupono/hton. w(s ou)=n e)stasi/asan, e)pafh=ke tou\s stratiw/tas au)toi=s, kai\ oi( me\n cu/lois, oi( de\ li/qois au)tou\s pai/ontes, traumati/as a)pe/lusan: tina\s de\ kai\ a)pe/kteinan. polloi\ de\ au)tw=n tw=n *)ioudai/wn kai\ u(p' a)llh/lwn w)qou/menoi, sumpathqe/ntes a)pw/lonto. e)mi/xqh de\ to\ ai(=ma au)tw=n meta\ tw=n qusiw=n. zh/tei peri\ *pila/tou platu/teron e)n tw=| o)no/mati *ne/rwnos.
Source (after the opening gloss): George the Monk,
Chronicon 317.7-318.2.
[1] cf.
kappa 2069.
[2] Quoted almost verbatim from
Luke 13:1 (web address 1).
nu 254.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: architecture; art history; biography; Christianity; chronology; clothing; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; religion
Translated by: David Mathis on 9 December 2002@12:21:35.
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