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Search results for pi,1564 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1564
Translated headword: Pieria
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A mountain of Macedonia. Also [sc. attested is the term] Pierides, the Muses [who live] in Macedonia.[1]
In the Epigrams: "I am not as much a concern to the Pierides as to Love: following the rites of such great [gods] with desire ..."[2]
Greek Original:*pieri/a: o)/ros *makedoni/as. kai\ *pieri/des, ai( *mou=sai ai( e)n *makedoni/a|. e)n *)epigra/mmasi: ou) ga\r *pieri/dessi to/son me/lw, o(/sson e)/rwti: o)/rgia tossati/wn a)mfie/pousa po/qw|.
[1] The association of the nine Muses (
mu 1291) with Pieria (Barrington Atlas map 49 grid E3), north of Mt Olympus, predates their more familiar (Hesiodic) association with Mt Helicon in Boeotia (
epsilon 850).
Greek Anthology 6.80.3-4 (
Agathias Scholasticus), the poet dedicates his
Daphniaca not to the Muses, but to Aphrodite. On
Agathias, see
alpha 112. The
Daphniaca comprise nine books, now lost, of amatory hexameters; cf. Cameron (12, 24).
A. Cameron, Agathias, (Oxford 1970)
Keywords: definition; gender and sexuality; geography; mythology; poetry; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 22 November 2002@00:39:19.
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