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Search results for pi,1560 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1560
Translated headword: fattening, enriching, nourishing
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning one who is] taking care of, fostering.[1]
Aelian [writes]: "nourishing a greedy and wanton regard with evil indulgence, he thirsted to observe the rites of Pherephatte, although he was uninitiated."[2]
Greek Original:*piai/nwn: qerapeu/wn, u(potre/fwn. *ai)liano/s: li/xnon o)/mma kai\ a)selge\s piai/nwn kakh=| e(stia/sei, ta\ th=s *ferefa/tths o)/rgia e)di/yhse qea/sasqai, a)te/lestos w)/n.
[1] The headword is present participle of
piai/nw, masculine nominative singular, presumably extracted from the quotation which follows. For this verb see also
pi 1544,
pi 1545,
pi 1546,
pi 1547,
pi 1561.
Aelian fr. 46a Domingo-Forasté (43 Hercher), quoted already at
lambda 633. Pherephatte is a variant of the name of Persephone.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 17 March 2012@22:34:01.
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