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Search results for pi,1528 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1528
Translated headword: at what precise hour of the day is it?
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning what hour of the day is it? For they used to ask about hours, not seasons. But the correlative [is] o(phni/ka "[what time (you ask)?] a little after noon."[1] But the [expression] phni/k' a)/tt' a)pw/leto ["about when did he perish?"][2] [is] not Attic, nor archaic, nor accurate. It is instead of po/te dh=ta ["when indeed?"]; for the a)/tta is superfluous; for it occurs without reason, for it signifies neither tina/ ["some"] nor a(/tina ["whatever"].[3] For neither of these fits with o(ph/nika.
Greek Original:*phni/k' e)sti\n w(/ra th=s h(me/ras: a)nti\ tou= poi/a w(/ra e)sti\ th=s h(me/ras; w(/ras ga\r e)zh/toun, ou) kairou/s. to\ de\ a)ntapodotiko/n, o(phni/ka; smikro/n ti meta\ meshmbri/an. to\ de/, phni/k' a)/tt' a)pw/leto ou)k *)attiko/n, ou)de\ a)rxai+ko/n, ou)de\ a)kribe/s. e)/sti de\ a)nti\ tou= po/te dh=ta: pare/lkei ga\r to\ a)/tta: a)lo/gws ga\r kei=tai, ou)/te ga\r to\ tina\ shmai/nei ou)/te to\ a(/tina. ou)de\n ga\r tou/twn a(rmo/zei tw=| o(phni/ka.
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Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 March 2012@23:00:58.
Vetted by: David Whitehead (another x-ref; tweaks and cosmetics) on 5 March 2012@03:05:02.
No. of records found: 1
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