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Headword: *panaqh/naia
Adler number: pi,151
Translated headword: Panathenaia, Panathenaea
Vetting Status: high
A festival at Athens, to mark the unification which occurred under Theseus.[1] Initially [sc. it was celebrated] by Erichthonius, the son of Hephaestus and Athena,[2] but later by Theseus after he had brought together the country peoples into town. The contest is held every five years.[3] And an (?)Isthmian(?) competitor is a boy, not older [than ?], and a beardless [sc. youth] and a man.[4] To the victor is given a prize of olive-oil, in amphoras, and the victor is crowned with an olive wreath.
Greek Original:
*panaqh/naia: *)aqh/nhsin e(orth\ e)pi\ tw=| u(po\ *qhse/ws genome/nw| sunoikismw=|. prw=ton u(po\ *)erixqoni/ou, tou= *(hfai/stou kai\ th=s *)aqhna=s, u(/steron de\ u(po\ *qhse/ws sunagago/ntos tou\s dh/mous ei)s a)/stu. a)/getai de\ o( a)gw\n dia\ pe/nte e)tw=n. kai\ a)gwni/zetai pai=s *)/isqmia, ou) presbu/- teros, kai\ a)ge/neios kai\ a)nh/r. tw=| de\ nikw=nti di/dotai a)=qlon e)/laion a)mfiforeu=si, kai\ o( nikw=n stefanou=tai e)lai/a| plekth=|.
See also pi 152. The present entry is very similar to Photius, Lexicon pi122 Theodoridis, and also to a scholion on Plato, Parmenides 127A (where the Great Panathenaea is mentioned); but see n. 4 below.
[1] For this unification see e.g. Thucydides 2.15; Plutarch, Life of Theseus 24-25; and generally OCD4 s.v. synoecism.
[2] epsilon 3014.
[3] By inclusive Greek reckoning; we would say every four.
[4] This sentence is textually corrupt, not only here but also in the two earlier versions (see primary note above). Why should attention suddenly switch to another festival, and not even an Athenian one: Corinth's Isthmia (iota 638, cf. iota 639)? Mention of it is either an intrusive mistake or has a purely tangential relevance that cannot now be recovered.
Keywords: aetiology; athletics; botany; chronology; definition; geography; mythology; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 July 2003@03:44:57.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth on 19 July 2003@19:16:15.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 20 July 2003@04:46:14.
David Whitehead (tweaks) on 28 August 2011@10:02:58.
David Whitehead on 13 August 2013@05:30:02.
David Whitehead on 10 August 2014@03:52:34.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 27 December 2014@00:51:37.
David Whitehead (tweaks to tr; augmented notes) on 19 June 2016@05:06:28.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 26 April 2021@00:19:21.


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