*phle/ws ma/xaira: paroimi/a: tau/thn a)nagra/fei kai\ *)aristofa/nhs ou(/tws: me/ga fronei= ma=llon h)\ *phleu\s e)pi\ th=| maxai/ra|. h(\ e)do/kei swfrosu/nhs ge/ras h(faisto/teuktos, h(\n ei)lh/fei ma/xairan o( *phleu/s.
mu 393 (and for 'knife' see generally
mu 302). Similar but longer entry in
Lexicon (pi851 Theodoridis).
[1] cf.
Appendix Proverbiorum 4.57 and other paroemiographers.
[2] This phrase, also in
Photius, presumably means 'as well as others'. (NB: what follows is a fragment of
Aristophanes of
Proverbs. His namesake the comic poet mentions the proverb, at
Clouds 1063, but does not quote it in this form.)
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