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Headword: *ph=kos
Adler number: pi,1500
Translated headword: Pekos
Vetting Status: high
Pekos, also [called] Zeus,[1] died after he had handed over the dominion of the west to his own son Hermes; he had lived 120 years. And as he was dying he ordered that his body should be buried on the island of Crete, on which [tomb] is inscribed: "here lies dead Pekos who [is] also [called] Zeus." Very many have mentioned this tomb in their own books.
Greek Original:
*ph=kos, o( kai\ *zeu/s, paradou\s th\n th=s du/sews a)rxh\n tw=| i)di/w| ui(w=| *(ermh=| teleuta=|, zh/sas k# kai\ r# e)/th: kai\ teleutw=n e)ke/leusen a)poteqh=nai to\ e(autou= sw=ma e)n th=| *krh/th| th=| nh/sw|, e)n w(=| e)pige/graptai: e)nqa/de kei=tai qanw\n *ph=kos o( kai\ *zeu/s. me/mnhntai tou= ta/fou tou/tou plei=stoi e)n toi=s i)di/ois suggra/mmasi.
[1] See also alphaiota 77, iota 453, mu 406; also (e.g.) in a scholion on (?)Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 651.
Keywords: chronology; geography; mythology; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 29 February 2012@01:39:51.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks) on 29 February 2012@03:29:04.
David Whitehead on 3 October 2013@04:44:26.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 9 July 2016@19:01:52.


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