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Headword: *peisa/ndrou deilo/teros
Adler number: pi,1467
Translated headword: more cowardly than Peisandros
Vetting Status: high
"There also Peisandros came, wishing to see the spirit which deserted him when he was still alive".[1] For he was a coward par excellence. Aristophanes [also] writes: "if you abominate at all the crests and eyebrows of Peisandros".[2] For this man was a coward, yet war-loving and bellicose if there was private gain in it. He was large, and used to be called a Knidian donkey.[3] He wore a triple crest and resplendent armour, wishing to seem brave when he was not.
Greek Original:
*peisa/ndrou deilo/teros: e)/nqa kai\ *pei/sandros h)=lqe, deo/menos yuxh\n i)dei=n, h(\ zw=nt' e)kei=non prou)/lipe. deilo\s ga\r h)=n kaq' u(perbolh/n. *)aristofa/nhs: ei)/ ti *peisa/ndrou bdelu/tth| tou\s lo/fous kai\ ta\s o)fru=s. ou(=tos ga\r deilo\s h)=n, filopo/lemos de\ kai\ polemopoio\s kerdw=n i)di/wn e(/neken. me/gas de/, kai\ e)kalei=to o)/nos *kni/dios. e)xrh=to de\ trilofi/a| kai\ o(/plois e)pish/mois u(pe\r tou= dokei=n a)ndrei=os ei)=nai, mh\ w)/n.
On Peisandros (Latinized Peisander), best known for his part in the oligarchic coup of 411 BCE, there is a good biographical note in Dunbar ad loc.; see also OCD4 s.v. Pisander(2).
[1] Aristophanes, Birds 1556-8 (web address 1), followed by comment from the scholia there. See also delta 319, which explicitly characterizes the headword phrase as proverbial.
[2] Aristophanes, Peace 395 (web address 2), again with scholiastic comment. Cf. epsiloniota 335.
[3] Textually corrupt here: should be o)noki/ndios, donkey-driver
Aristophanes, Birds, edited with introduction and commentary by Nan Dunbar (Oxford 1995)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; clothing; comedy; daily life; ethics; geography; military affairs; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 17 April 2003@09:14:37.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics; links) on 17 April 2003@20:58:40.
David Whitehead on 29 July 2004@08:27:53.
David Whitehead on 2 October 2013@08:19:31.
David Whitehead on 10 August 2014@05:18:19.


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