Suda On Line
Search results for pi,1466 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1466
Translated headword: Pisander, Peisander, Peisandros
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of the poet Nestor;[1] a Larandian or Lukanian.[2] He lived in the time of emperor Alexander the son of Mamaea,[3] [and was] himself an epic poet also.[4] He wrote an ornate history in epic verse which he entitled Heroic Marriages of the Gods[5] in 60 books;[6] and other works in prose.
Greek Original:*pei/sandros, *ne/storos tou= poihtou= ui(o/s, *larandeu\s h)\ *luka/nios, gegonw\s e)pi\ *)aleca/ndrou basile/ws, tou= *mamai/as paido/s, e)popoio\s kai\ au)to/s. e)/grayen i(stori/an poiki/lhn di' e)pw=n, h(\n e)pigra/fei *(hrai+kw=n *qeogamiw=n e)n bibli/ois c#: kai\ a)/lla kataloga/dhn.
See generally R.L. Hunter in OCD4 s.v.
[1] See
nu 261.
[2] Laranda was in
Lycaonia, in present-day Turkey (Barrington Atlas map 66 grid C2). The alternative here, transmitted as 'Lukanian', is probably corrupt: read Lykaonian (Gaisford) or Lykian (Kuster).
[3] The Roman emperor
Severus Alexander, son of Julia Mamaea, ruled 222-235 CE; see generally
alpha 1124.
[4] That is, as was his namesake
Pisander, son of Piso, in the previous entry
pi 1465. Both these entries have been taken over from the earlier lexicon of
[5] The title signifies sexual liaisons between heroes and gods. Keydell (see Bibliography) describes it as "das umfangreichste Epos der griechischen Literatur".
[6] The alphabetic numeral
c is transmitted. In the Suda
editio princeps it is emended to
e(/c, i.e. 6, but modern scholars tend to accept it.
Eitrem, S. 'Theogamia' in RE 5A.2, cols.1968-1969
Keydell, R. 'Peisandros(12)' in RE 19.1, cols.145-146
Keywords: biography; chronology; epic; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; meter and music; poetry
Translated by: Tony Natoli on 15 May 2003@18:36:22.
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